

Once upon a time, nestled in the lush canopies of the Amazon rainforest, lived Slerf the sloth, famed for his lethargic yet endearing ways. One fateful night, as he gazed upon the shimmering moon, an idea sparked within him. Determined to reach the celestial body, Slerf embarked on his slow and steady journey, inching his way through the dense foliage. With unwavering determination, he traversed rivers and climbed towering trees, each movement deliberate and calculated. As the days turned into weeks, Slerf’s perseverance paid off, as he finally reached the moon, basking in its ethereal glow, becoming the first sloth to achieve such a feat. And from that moment on, Slerf’s legendary ascent inspired creatures across blockchains to reach for the stars, proving that even the slowest among us can achieve greatness with patience and determination.



Tax: 0/0

Supply: 500m

Initial LP burned

How to buy

How to get $UDSLERF

1. Download Phantom Wallet ​

Download the Phantom Wallet app or your preferred wallet from the App Store or Google Play Store at no cost. If you’re using a desktop, obtain the Google Chrome extension by visiting phantom.app

2. Send SOL to Phantom

Transfer funds to exchange and then into your Phantom Wallet via SOL Network


3. Swap SOL to $ℲᴚƎ⅂S

Click Select a currency and enter the contract into the search field copy contract address


4. Buy token

Set the desired slippage, click “buy,” and be prepared to adjust the slippage during times of market volatility if necessary.


Available in

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